martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

How to be a Good Investor

Now that things seem will never get better, keep in mind that economies recover and you should be prepare when that happens. Here are some great tips to be a great investor.

  1. Write your financial goals: You need to know what are your financial goals, they will not be the same if you are just graduate from college or you are being retire from a job. Keep this in mind and write your financial goals and your vision about your investments.

  2. Take advantage of low interest rates: Locking in at a low interest rate for five or 10 years can save mortgagors thousands of dollars over the course of their mortgage.

  3. Pay Down Debt: Paying off high-interest debt, such as credit cards, should be the first priority for people during uncertain economic times.

  4. Diversify: Keeping a diversified portfolio of investments protects your nest egg from risks that can ravage your portfolio.

  5. Make a Budget: Simply sitting down and comparing spending habits to the amount of money you have to spend can be a real eye-opener.

  6. Don´t Go it Alone: A financial planner can help you set up a financial game plan and make sure that you stick to it.

  7. Smile: By putting a smile on your face and living your life with passion and enthusiasm, you'll find that the everyday stresses of life won't bother you the way they used to.

If you just use the tips we give you right here it will be less stressful the economy issues. Be sure you commit to do a budget and stick to it.

If you want to open your Forex account and receive a $25.00 free bonus, please go to: Fx-Megaforex or Forexmegatrion.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Mistakes we make using Credit Cards

There are some mistakes when we use credit cards that will really affect our credit score and cost us money see what are they:

  1. Paying Late: Even if you are late just for a few minutes they will charge you extra fees, interests and more.

  2. Paying only the minimum: Credit cards company loves that you take time paying the debt. It won't necessarily affect your credit score, but that doesn't mean it's a good practice. Sending in only the minimum payment "is definitely going to keep you in debt longer, and you're going to pay a heck of a lot more in interest," says Francis.

  3. Buying on a Card just for the rewards: It won`t affect your credit score but you can get into a lot of debt without you notice it. Be careful with your shopping.

  4. Missing a Payment: Not only are you going to be slammed with fees, interest charges and other penalties when you miss a payment, but you'll likely see a rise in your interest rates.

  5. Having too many Cards: "There's rarely a good reason to get a new card if you've already got a general-purpose card, a rewards card and a low interest card," says Cunningham.

  6. Maxing out a Card: This really will affect your credit score because they evaluate how you manage credit. "It means you don't have enough saved up to cover unexpected expenses."

  7. Playing the transfer Game: It is not a good game to transfer from credit card to credit card, they only will see how many debts you have.

  8. Debt settlement Plans: Next to bankruptcy, debt settlement "is the most negative thing you can do to your credit score," says Francis.

  9. Getting a Cash Advance: It may feel like free money, but the truth is that it's anything but: You'll likely have a fee associated with the advance, and you'll likely pay a higher interest rate than you would by using the card associated with it

  10. Using a Card on a Pinch: If the fridge went on the fritz or the furnace conked out in mid-January, you might not have the means to fund its immediate replacement. Putting the bill on a credit card -- and paying it off quickly over the course of a few months -- is a pretty solid option, says Cunningham.

I hope this article will help you use better your credit card.

Remember now you have a $25.00 FREE BONUS when you open your Forex account, you don`t need to deposit any money just open your account, the offer will expire soon so do it right NOW.

Go to Fx-Megaforex or Forexmegatrion.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Things that Cost You Money

There are somethings that cost us money that we do without paying attention, here are a few of them:

  1. Credit Card: Be sure you are obtaining the best rates and deal, stop paying more. If you are not receiving a fair deal change to another company.

  2. Debit Card: When you pay with your debit card please be sure you write the amount so you know how much have in you account, and you will not pay for reject checks. Also it makes easier to track your money.

  3. Ingnoring Bank Charges: Be sure you know what your bank is charging and seek for another bank that will not charge them or charge less.

  4. Investing in the right things: Make a weekly to-do list of your financial decisions (savings and spending) and then prioritize them in terms of bang-for-the-buck over time.

  5. Spending with no goals: If you spent money but don`t why and where you need to pay attention to your spending habits and change them if it is necessary. Don`t waste your money.

  6. Track Spending: Know exactly where your money is going.

  7. Do exercise: You think how this will help my finances, is being notice that when you exercise you reduce your medical bills, so start moving and get a healthy lifestyle.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Successful Trader

If you want to be a successful trader you need to know 2 things. The first one is money management. You probably have heard this dozens of times, some of you may even have implemented some kind of Lot management in their EA or trading strategies and believe that it will do, alone as it is.

In order to perform a correct Money Management one MUST understand what the concept behind the two words is. Eventually you'll figure out yourself that the number of Lots you are going to trade in your next trade should not be chosen by a function, the only variable of which is how much money you currently have on your account. This can be achieved only by using a certain kind of strategies that we need to identify and describe first.

The meaning of Money Management.

A concept is only 2 words: Money and Management.

To manage, means to handle. When we talk about Money Management we are talking about money. What we want is to have a direct control (handling) over the way we invest our capital.

Now, when we place an order we have control on its volume (Lots), no figure in "money" terms is directly involved. If we want to handle our money with knowledge, we must be able to translate that volume to our deposit currency in order to estimate the potential loss associated with the order.

Successful Traders

We had heard many times that if we want to win in Forex we need to never risk more than 2%. Well lets keep that in mind and we will see that it works.
What you have to do is just to quantify how much is 2% of your capital and avoid to risk more than that sum next time you open a position… sounds stupidly easy… so why didn’t you do it so far?

If you want to win you must be willing to lose
At first glance one can say: winning=good, loosing=bad.
Following this reasoning one is driven to think that avoiding losses is a good starting point on the long way to become a Successful Trader.
Those strategies make no use of StopLoss and let the loss grow until the Market comes eventually back in their favour and the position becomes profitable.EAs developed on those strategies usually show very good profits and no losses at all (win ratio is usually more than 95%). This behaviour is anyway stable for a relative short period and when the loss comes it comes unexpected and huge… sometimes one single series of losses is enough to drain the account empty. It's the typical mistake of the newbie that attempts to code his first Grail. Been there.Systems like this work fine until the Market has a strong trend in one direction but becomes absolutely dangerous when the trend disappears or changes direction.
Ignoring losses is definitely not the way to go if we want to see our Capital grow on long/medium term period.
We want our strategies to be able to survive the toughest conditions we can find out there so we do want to avoid using a system that works only for short periods introducing the risk to lose most of our capital when things go bad.

There Is No Safe Trading without StopLoss
Before we come to describe how to implement Money Management in a practical way, it is worth to mention something that kills a large number of Traders.Many beginners and experienced Traders trade without using any hard SL. Who codes an EA tends to think that it will take care of everything, following the market closely and babysitting open positions ready to close them when things go wrong. Nothing could be more far from the truth.In fact when you don’t place a hard SL you don’t really know when the position will be closed in case the Market turns against you… you actually cannot be sure that it will be closed at all!!!How can you pretend then to handle your money with knowledge?
A strategy which makes no use of hard StopLoss CANNOT implement a sound Money Management!
SL level shall always be chosen looking at the current condition of the Market, so called Price Action. Who uses fixed SL (say very common 20 or 50 pips) has probably a very limited understanding of the Market and trading in general. In fact SL shall be wide enough to avoid being wiped out in case the Market retraces back against you… but not too wide otherwise one would have a very limited return compared to the risk he is taking with the trade.
As a general rule:
you want to have as many support/resistance levels as possible between the current Price and your SL
This will ensure that if the Market turns against you it has a chance to slow down and go back in the right direction before hitting your SL.

I hope we can help achieve your goals and understand a little bit more about Forex and how to trade in it.

For more information go to: Fx-megaforex or Forexmegatrion.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Better Investor

Sometimes we make poor decisions regarding our investments. That`s because we keep making the same mistakes: Involving our emotions.

Here are some of the most common mistakes we make:
  1. Greed: Many people can resist temptation that`s why is important to have a different account for investments.

  2. Pride: we tend to let pride of ownership inflate the value of our investments. Like happens to parents everyone thinks that his or her baby is the prettiest but that is not always the case.

  3. Lust: we tend to jump right in when we hear some news, but maybe is better not to react so fast because we may save time and dollars.

  4. Envy: The tendency to want what other investors have can lead you to chase stocks or mutual funds with the biggest recent returns, but that can be a losing strategy.

  5. Anger: The most damaging mistake we can make is to make investment decision because we are angry. You better focus on your portfolio`s goals better than individual investments.

  6. Sloth: You always need to look your investments from scratch, it doesn`t matter if you don`t like something. It`s a matter of intelletual evaluation.

The best advise you can receive is to know what you are doing, don`t trade or invest personally do it like any other job with no emotion.

If you want to start your own portfolio, trade in Forex, open your Forex account at

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

Mobile Trading

Traders not always sit in one place: they may want to move. However, the market movements are unpredictable, so it can be that moment of time when you miss a valuable opportunity having left your PC. How to find the way out of this situation?
It' easy! If you have a Pocket PC (personal digital assistant, PDA) or a Smartphone, you can install special versions of the client terminal into it and monitor your account practically anywhere at any time.

Mobile versions of the trading terminal allow users to control their accounts completely. You can monitor your account using a mobile terminal wherever you are, for example: while shopping, on a visit, on your way to the office, and on holidays. In mobile terminals, you will find:

  • All kinds of trade orders

  • 20 analytical tools

  • Different timeframes

  • Trade alerts

  • News

An important feature of mobile terminals and the terminal for desktop PCs is their absolute compatibility. You can open an account using the desktop client terminal and then control it using a mobile terminal and vice versa. All you need to become mobile is to open an account and then enter your account details in the mobile terminal in a PDA or a smartphone.
Attention: For mobile terminals to operate it is necessary to have a PDA with operating system MS Windows for Pocket PC 2002 (or later versions) or a smartphone with operating system MS Windows Mobile for Smartphones 2003 SE (or later versions).

Mobile technologies are rapidly developing in our life. Most traders who have already used the mobile technologies are sure that mobile trading will be the major trading technology in the future. Don't miss your chance and try to trade mobile: it's easy!

If you want to open your Forex account, you can go to Fx-Megaforex or Forexmegatrion, two great options to get all this and more.

Tenemos todo el respaldo y ayuda en español.