lunes, 28 de enero de 2019

Pararell Profits My Complete Review & Exclusive Bonus

  • Course Name: Pararell Profits [Hot]
  • Created By: Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton
  • Price/Cost: $2,497 (Installment Option Available)
  • Recommended: Yes, Highly Recommended Course (Registration Open For a Limited Time Only)
  • Official Website:

Steven Clayton and Aidan Booth are the creators of this program. They had mentored many students, including me,  and they had helped us become 4 to 7 figures annual income earners in a short period.

They host and offer courses like: 100k factory and 7 figure cycle, and believe me the value in these courses is incredible. 

They are one of the few people that really deliver high quality consistently launch after launch. And their launches tend to generate millions and millions of dollars.  This means that the programs have value. 

What is Pararell Profits?

Essentially is selling services to local business. 

Type of Business you can Sell: [Google Money]

  • More presence online
  • Facebook Pages
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instragam Ads
  • More engagement
  • More Sales
  • How to get the traffic 
  • How to find business owners out there. No matter where you live.
  • Everything is DONE for you! 

What does Pararell Services Offer?

1. You will find local business (no matter where you live) 
2. You will offer them more online presence, more revenue, more engagement, etc.
3. Once you secure your clients you will charge between $2,000-$10,000 per client, per month
4. Then you will transfer your client to Pararell profits staff and they will do all the work for your clients.

You are ONLY the middleman between Local Business & Pararell Profits.

For example:

You find business owners and offer online marketing services to generate more sales for their business; then you will charge $2,000 per month to do this services; once you secure the client you go and find someone to provide this online marketing services, you find one that will do it for $500 per month, so your profit will be $1500.

Pararell profits provide you the staff that will do all of this work for you. 


People that attend this training will get access to an opportunity to become a franchise of Steve and Aidan local business marketing firm. You don't need to worry about the domain, hosting, website design, branding, copywriting, marketing. 

The system is all done for you!

When you secure this local business you don't need to do any manual work or outsource services that you offered to these business. The full team inside pararell profits system is ready to work for your clients. 

This as you can see is a magical twist and saves a lot of of our energy and time, not only you don't need to have any expertise or experience to do this business.

And finally the local business client capture system offered inside the members area is compelling and it has lots of benefits. 

As a partner of Pararell Profits you don't need to do any face to face interaction or selling with clients. The built in lead generation system and the process will do all the work for us.

Steve and Aidan will also show you:

  • How to Generate traffic
  • How to find local business (no matter where you live).

Pararell Profits is a BUSINESS in a box!

If you think this is a good fit for you can start by Downloading the free ebook:
"3-Steps to $100K Profits with only 7 “Sales”

Free ebook here!

[SECRET MINDMAP] 7 Sales to a $100K profit EXPLAINED - Step-By-Step…

Download Here

If you personally buy from my affiliate link you will also get access to 


You just send me an email and I will send this video training course & Social Traffic Plan

viernes, 4 de enero de 2019

SociCake Review + Bonus El software de marketing de Facebook con 10 herr...


SociCake el software de marketing de Facebook con 10 herramientas para incrementar tráfico, interacciones, clientes potenciales y ventas.

SociMarket te ofrece 10 herramientas que te van a ayudar a crecer y automatizar tu negocio. Funciona con múltiples cuentas y múltiples páginas de Facebook.

Al comprar tu SociCake a través de este enlace recibe gratis como Bono el ebook sobre Como Crear tu Marca con Imágenes en Instagram.

Solo déjame tu # de orden de compra y tu correo electrónico y te lo envío.

Estas 10 herramientas van a automatizar tus publicidad en Facebook y van a convertir tus anunciones, mensajes e imágenes en una máquina viral de tráfico.

Es ideal para publicistas, desarrolladores, agencies de publicidad de FB, dueños de Fan Page, ecommerce y más.

Más información aquí

SociCake Review Inside The Ultimate All in One Facebook Marketing Software


SociCake The ultimate all in one Facebook marketing software bundle with 10 tools to increase your engagement, traffic, leads and sales from Facebook.

10 Facebook marketing tools that will help you grow your business. Plus they will adding a new tool every month for the next 6 months.

As a socicake founder member you will also have access to their marketing facebook academy were you will learn how to use facebook to fuel and automate your business

Join thousands of members who are using socicake to fuel and automate  their business.




So if you buy sociocake using the link below I will send you a free ebook on 🆓 How to Build Your Brand with Instagram Images🆓, so you can start 2019 growing your business and boosting your sales.

All you have to do is send me an 📧email📧 with your receipt number and I will send your free eBook.

More info here

SociCake Review el Software de Mercadeo de Facebook con 10 Herramientas

Conoce SociCake

Es el software de marketing de Facebook con 10 herramientas para incrementar la interacción, el tráfico, los clientes potenciales y ventas desde Facebook.

Obtienes 10 herramientas de Marketing de FB por el precio de una.

Herramienta # 1 Editor de Textos

Este software hace que tus comentarios y anuncios sobre salgan y captura la atención de las personas teniendo como resultado un gran incremento en ventas.

Puedes agregar negrillas, itálicas, subrayar, tachar, emojis 😀 y más. Trabaja en comentarios, grupos y anuncios de Facebook.


Herramienta # 2 Post Manager

Puedes crear y programar: 

  • Enlaces, 
  • Imágenes, 
  • Vídeos,
  • Slideshow,
  • Carrusel
  • Post de tomar acción.

Uno de los más importantes es el post de tomar acción. Como publicista tú debes estar consciente de que el del llamado a tomar acción es uno de los más importantes elementos de cualquier campaña.

Una buena imagen y un buen título atraen la atención, pero lo que hace que las personas tomen acción es tu llamado a la acción.

Facebook permite que tú agregues este llamado de atención en tu post pero a pesar de que es una increíble herramienta sólo está disponible a través de los anuncios de Facebook.

Pero ahora con Socicake tú puedes crear un post de llamar a la acción y programarlo a través de múltiples páginas de Facebook y múltiples cuentas de Facebook.


Herramienta # 3 Imágenes con Enlaces

Te va ayudar a convertir cada imagen que tú coloques en las redes sociales en una máquina viral.

Los posts de imágenes trabajan muy bien para atraer la atención en las redes sociales. Pero si tú quieres incluir un enlace solo se puede agregar debajo de la imagen, en la descripción.

Las imágenes con enlaces, son imágenes que pueden redirigir a tus clientes a tu sitio web. Esta herramienta ayuda a crear y programar estas imágenes con enlaces para llevar tráfico a tu sitio web y landing pages.

Programas las imágenes con enlaces a través de múltiples páginas y múltiples cuentas de Facebook desde un solo software en unas en unos cuantos clics.


Herramienta # 4 Facebook Messanger Bot

Esta herramienta te permite crear un Bot para Facebook Messenger para mercadeo, ventas y soporte.

Los Bots pueden ayudar a

  • Incrementar tu interacción en cualquier sitio web 
  • Responder y asistir a los visitantes cuando tú no puedes
  • Volver a clientes potenciales en clientes que paguen 
  • Mantener a tus clientes regresar por más 
  • Convertirse en en los embajadores de tu marca 
  • Ahorrar tiempo y dinero 
Con SociCake, puedes crear mensajes y automatizarlos en tus páginas con conversaciones que fluyan de manera automática. Puedes usar estas conversaciones para llevar valor, incrementar el tráfico, convertir a contactos en clientes potenciales o incluso hacer ventas. 


Herramienta #5 Messenger Broadcast 

Esta herramienta te permite crear mensajes promocionales y de seguimiento para mantener una interacción. Desde tu página puedes enviar un número ilimitado de mensajes a tus suscriptores a través de páginas múltiples y cuentas múltiples de Facebook.

Messenger es el app número uno en los Estados Unidos y Canadá con 1 Billón de usuarios activos. Es el canal que más interacción tiene con un promedio de apertura de 90%. 

Tu audiencia utiliza Messenger cada día y tu negocio debería de ser parte de esta conversación.

Utiliza Messenger para alcanzar a casi el 100% de tus clientes potenciales con un 90% de tasa de apertura por cada mensaje enviado a tus suscriptores.


Herramienta # 6 Comment Bot

Esta herramienta permite que tú coloques respuestas automáticas ya sea de manera pública y/o privada a cada persona que comenta tus mensajes. Trabaja como tú asistente virtual y maneja tu página de Facebook 24 /7. No duerme, no tienes que pagarle. Sólo lo colocas una vez y trabaja sin parar.

Es ideal para 

  • Publicistas de Facebook que quieren incrementar su interacción con los clientes 
  • Vendedores de ecommerce que buscan incrementar sus ventas
  • Marcas que buscan construir un reconocimiento 
  • Vendedores de productos que tratan de proveer el mejor soporte
  • Dueños de páginas de Facebook que buscan incrementar su página y 
  • Creadores de contenido que quieren construir una audiencia 

Herramienta # 7 FB Fan Inviter 

Esta herramienta invita de forma masiva a todas las personas a las que les haya gustado tu mensaje para que se vuelvan fans de tu página de Facebook

Puedes invitar manualmente a todas aquellas personas que les gustó tus mensajes uno por uno, pero esto puede ser extremadamente difícil hacerlo cada día, ya que consume mucho tiempo. 

El invitador de Socicake es una herramienta de crecimiento que te permite invitar a todos en un solo click.

Herramienta # 8 FB Ads & Content Designer  

Socicake viene cargado de diseños para que tu puedas crear un diseño en minutos aún si tienes CERO habilidades para diseñar.

Puedes diseñar:

  • Mensajes de Facebook 
  • Timeline Cover
  • Anuncios de FB
  • Citas Virales
  • Memes y mucho más 
Viene con 
  • 1,423 diseños 
  • 7.5 millones de imágenes en stock, letras, iconos e ilustraciones y 
  • 450,000 citas virales y mucho más 


Herramienta # 9 Optin Link

Con esta herramienta tú puedes crear links o enlaces que capturen el nombre y el correo electrónico de aquellos que presionaron sin necesidad de una página landing o una forma de suscripción.

Piensa en los miles de personas que presionan tus enlaces.

Esta herramienta permite que captures el correo que está asociado a su cuenta de FB una vez presionen el enlace. Esta herramienta la puedes sincronizar en tiempo real con 15 de los autoresponders más populares y así crear tu listado de clientes.

Herramienta # 10 Facebook Livecast Engine 

Herramienta para subir vídeos pregrabados programarlos en tu cuenta de FB. Este es un sistema completamente automatizado. No necesitas abrir tu computadora durante la emisión en vivo. Todo es hecho desde las nubes. Tú solamente los programas y te olvidas de esto.

10 herramientas de marketing de Facebook que te van a ayudar a crecer tu negocio. 

Además van a estar agregando una nueva herramienta cada mes por los próximos seis meses.

Como socio fundador de Socicake vas a tener acceso a su academia de marketing de Facebook en dónde vas a aprender a Cómo usar Facebook para incrementar y automatizar tu negocio.

Únete a las miles de miembros que ya usan Socicake para incrementar y automatizar sus negocios.


Si tú compras Socicake usando este ENLACE te voy a enviar completamente gratis un libro sobre 🎁Cómo construir tu marca con imágenes de Instagram🎁para que puedas empezar el 2019 incrementando tu negocio y aumentando tus ventas.

Así que una vez compres SociCake envíame un 📨email📨 con tu # de compra y yo te envío tu ebook completamente 🆓GRATIS🆓

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2019

SociCake Review + Bonus All in One Facebook Marketing Bundle

Meet SociCake

The ultimate all in one Facebook marketing software bundle with10 tools to increase by 10 your engagement, traffic, leads and sales from Facebook. 

SociCake Software has Ten Tools for the the price of 1

SociCake Tool # 1: Rich Post Editor 

This tool makes your Facebook post, comments, and ads stand out and capture people's attention resulting in a HUGE boost in post engagement, leads, and sales. 

It allows you to add boldface, underline, italics, strikeout, and emojis to your Facebook social media post. Your ad will stand out & capture people attention.


Posting old boring style content that every other marketer is doing right now and getting ignored. Resulting in low engagement and higher ad costs.

  • 10x the engagement on your posts in minutes
  • Works for posts, comments, groups and facebook ads!
  • Unlimited posts, ads, or comments across multiple accounts
  • Visually entice your visitors to engage and take action

Even Russell Brunson uses rich posts for his ads to boost his engagements


Socicake Tool #2: Post Manager

With the post manager, you can create and schedule link post, image post, video post, call to action post and slideshows across multiple facebook pages and multiple facebook accounts. 

It works for:
  • Link Post
  • Image Post
  • Video post
  • Slideshows
  • Carousel
  • Call to action post

Of utmost importance is the CTA post. As a marketer, you should be aware that the call to action is one of the most important elements of any campaign. A good image and headline draw attention, but what makes people take action is your call to action.

Facebook allows you to add a Call To action button on your post. AWESOME FEATURE BUT unfortunately this is only available through facebook Ads manager. But now with socicake you can create a CTA post and schedule it across multiple facebook pages and multiple facebook accounts.


Socicake Tool #3: Clickable Images  

This tool will help you Turn Every Picture You Post on Social Media into A Viral Traffic Machine.
Image posts work great to get attention on social media.
BUT … usually, the only way to include a link is to add it to the description below the picture.
Users aren’t drawn to the description, they’re attracted to the picture.

And THAT’S what they click on.

So someone is interested in your post and is obviously clicking for more info.

What do they get?

Just a Bigger picture of the original image.

Clickable images are image post that redirects to your website when clicked.

Socicake helps you create and schedule clickable images that drive traffic to your websites and landing pages. You schedule clickable images across multiple pages and multiple facebook accounts from 1 dashboard in a few clicks.


 Socicake Tool #4: Messenger Bot Builder 

This tool enables you to create a Facebook Messenger bot for marketing, sales and support.

  • Bots Can Boost Engagement On Any Website.
  • Bots Can Respond And Assist Visitors When You Can't.
  • Bots Can Turn Cold Prospects Into Paying Customers.
  • Bots Can Keep Your Customers Coming Back For More.
  • Bots Can Become Your Brand's Ambassador.
  • Bots Can Save You Considerable Time And Expense.

With socicake, you can create messenger bots and automation for your pages with automatic conversation flows. You can use these flows to deliver value, drive traffic, convert contacts into leads or even make sales.


If its good enough for Russell Brunson, then its good enough for you.

Tool # 5 Messenger Broadcasting  

This tool enables you to blast promotional and follow up messages to those that have engaged with your page. You can send unlimited broadcast to your subscribers across multiple pages and multiple facebook accounts from 1 dashboard in minutes.

Messenger is the #1 app in the US and Canada with over 1 billion active users.

It is the most engaging channel with average 90% open rates and 4 to 10 times higher CTRs compared to email. Your audience already uses Messenger every day and your business should be a part of that conversation.

Embrace Messenger Marketing ( Hottest & Highly Untapped Marketing Paradise) to reach Almost 100% Of Your Prospects & Clients With 90%** Open rate for every message sent to messenger subscribers.


Tool # 6 Comment Bot 

This tool allows you to set up an automated response (public and private reply) to everyone who comments on your facebook post. You can set up a default response and responses based on keywords and phrases.

The response could be a public reply or a private reply to the commenter’s inbox or both.
This bot works for you as a virtual assistant to manage your Facebook page 24/7. No sleep. No wages. Just set it up once and it works non stop.

Ideal for:

  • FACEBOOK ADVERTISERS who want maximum engagements
  • E-COMMERCE SELLERS looking to boost sales
  • BRANDS trying to build recognition
  • PRODUCT VENDORS trying to provide better support
  • FACEBOOK FAN PAGE OWNERS seeking to grow your page
  • CONTENT CREATORS who want to build their audience base

Tool # 7 FB Fan Inviter 

This is a growth hacking tool that converts post likes into fan page likes by mass inviting everybody who liked your posts to like your fan page.

If your facebook post goes viral or you run facebook ads, you will discover people will like your post without liking your page.  The solution is to invite them to like your page. While you can invite people who liked your posts manually, one by one, it could be extremely time-consuming to do every day. Socicake Inviter is a growth tool that allows you to invite everyone in 1 click.

Tool # 8 FB Ads & Content Designer Pump 

Soci cake comes with a graphics design suite for pumping out jaw-dropping & high converting designs in Just Minutes Even If You Have ZERO Technical or Design Skills.

You can design:

  • Facebook post
  • Timeline covers
  • Facebook ads
  • Viral Quotes
  • Meme… and many more.

It comes loaded with:

  • 1,423 premium design templates
  • 7.5 million stock images, fonts, icons, and illustrations.
  • 450,000  Viral quotes and many more.


Tool # 9 Optin Link 

1-click lead capture platform.

With this tool, you can create links that capture the name and email address of those that click on it without a landing page or opt-in form. Think of the thousands of people who click on your links. This tool will convert them to leads on autopilot.

Landing page opt-in forms are becoming less effective. People are just too lazy to enter their name & email to get your lead magnet. Even when they do, 60% of them drop a fake email ID or create use a dummy.

Optin Link enables you to capture their best email (email associated with facebook) once they click on your link. You can sync real time with over fifteen popular autoresponders and Zapier through web hooks.

Tool # 10 FB Livecast Engine 

Use this tool to upload a pre-recorded video and broadcast it live across multiple facebook pages and multiple facebook account from one dashboard. This is a complete set n forget system. Unlike other tools, there is no need to open your computer during the livestream. Everything is done from the cloud. Just schedule and forget it.

10 Facebook marketing tools that will help you grow your business. Plus they will adding a new tool every month for the next 6 months. 

As a socicake founder member you will also have access to their marketing facebook academy were you will learn how to use facebook to fuel and automate your business 

Join thousands of members who are using sociocake to fuel and automate  their business.

You can have this for as low as $27 SocioCake (but hurry up the price will go up).



So if you buy sociocake using the link below I will send you a free ebook on 🆓 How to Build Your Brand with Instagram Images🆓, so you can start 2019 growing your business and boosting your sales. 

All you have to do is send me an 📧email📧 with your receipt number and I will send your free eBook.